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Writer's pictureMaxime Wauters

Taking the leap... Embracing the unknown for true fulfilment

Updated: Jun 7

Recently, I made a decision that might surprise many: I turned down a big promotion and resigned from my stable job. This choice ended my professional and financial security, and you might wonder why I did it. The answer is simple: my mind and heart told me it was the right thing to do, even though it was risky. Yes, it might seem odd for a "Safety expert" to take such a leap, but sometimes, the greatest risk is not taking one at all. After all, what's an adventure without a bit of uncertainty?

I’ve reached a pivotal moment in my career, a crossroads. There are so many things I still want to do and try, and I feel I need to take this risk while I still can. Some of these projects have nothing to do with aviation, my biggest passion. But I believe it's important to explore different areas. Trying new things helps you grow and brings new ideas to your main field of work.

But let me be clear: I'm not leaving aviation. My heart still beats for this field, and I will continue to take on consulting and management missions through CLIMAX Aviation. This is exactly what I want to pursue—helping the industry grow in areas I'm passionate about, like safety, projects, and sustainability.

I’m no longer interested in long job titles with heavy responsibilities. I’m concerned about the state of commercial aviation in Europe, especially when it comes to responsibilities. Today, these responsibilities are mostly about paperwork, reports, audits, and procedures. This isn't how I see responsibility. To me, aviation safety is about people. I believe that people are the heart of any system. And as much as I love a good manual, I’d rather be talking to people than flipping through endless pages of regulations.

Yes, rules and procedures are necessary, but there must be a balance between rules and common sense. Too many rules can make people lose trust in the system. Right now, it feels like everyone is just trying to protect themselves with more paperwork and big reports. This isn’t the way forward. Real safety should focus on people and practical measures, not endless paperwork. Because let’s face it, no one ever said, “This stack of reports really saved my life.”

I have immense respect for those who take on senior management roles with heavy responsibilities. It's just not the path for me. Accepting that promotion would have made me unhappy, sinking me deeper into administrative tasks. I don’t want to spend my days writing reports just to "tick the boxes" of compliance. I’d rather be ticking off my bucket list.

I need to be out there, doing what I love, discovering, and learning. Yes, I’m taking risks without knowing the exact outcomes, but this is what my heart is guiding me to do. Some might call it entrepreneurship; to me, it’s about fighting meaningful battles that align with my values and beliefs. It’s not always about chasing titles or fancy business cards. It’s about doing what you love, with purpose and values, and finding your "why"—as Simon Sinek puts it. I believe that success will follow when you pursue your true calling with passion and integrity. Plus, my new business card just says “Adventurer,” which is way cooler.

Stepping away from a comfortable path and embracing uncertainty can be scary, but it's often necessary for true fulfillment. I hope my journey inspires others to listen to their inner voice, take bold steps, and find their own unique path to success. Remember, if you're not a little scared, you're probably not pushing yourself enough.

Feel free to share your thoughts or reach out if you're on a similar journey or thinking about a big change in your career. Let’s connect and support each other in finding our true passions and purposes.

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